Canvas Helps You Develop Startup Ideas in 2030

Canvas Helps You Develop Startup Ideas in 2030

“Ideas placed in the Canvas trigger new ones. The Canvas becomes a tool for facilitating the idea dialogue—for individuals sketching out their ideas and for groups developing ideas together.”  – Alexander Osterwalder “The same products, services or technologies can fail or succeed depending on the business model you choose. Exploring the possibilities is critical to finding…

Why TRIZ can Revolutionize your Problem-Solving Skills

Why TRIZ can Revolutionize your Problem-Solving Skills

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) offers a set of tools and approaches to help you solve difficult, technical problems and to invent new products. TRIZ is a problem-solving, analysis, and forecasting tool derived from the study of patterns of invention in global patents. Genrich Altshuller (1926-1998), Soviet inventor and science fiction author, and his…

10 Innovation Frameworks Business Results in 2030

10 Innovation Frameworks Business Results in 2030

Innovation frameworks help you to formulate and implement strategies, ideas, processes, and business models faster and more effectively than your competition. They free up mental inertia and allow you to reach your business goals in record time and with optimal results. Companies such as IBM, Boeing, Hewlett-Packard, General Electric, and Motorola swear by these types of methodologies,…

Phoenix Checklist CIA Defines Problems and Plans Solutions
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Phoenix Checklist CIA Defines Problems and Plans Solutions

The Phoenix Checklist provides context-free questions that enable you to look at a problem from many different angles. Sometimes, problems aren’t as easy to understand as they may seem at face value—especially problems that are inherently multi-faceted. These questions will help you clear ambiguities and pinpoint the unknown unknowns associated with a problem.   The…

12 Problem Solving Strategies to Overcome your Toughest Challenges
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12 Problem Solving Strategies to Overcome your Toughest Challenges

To overcome any challenge of intermediate or advanced difficulty, you’ll want to have an adequate number of problem-solving strategies at your disposal. Some of the following problem-solving strategies are well known, while others were derived from the TRIZ methodology, the Six Sigma methodology, advanced brainstorming techniques, and situational analysis frameworks. Here are 12 problem-solving strategies that…

12 Problem Solving Strategies to Overcome 2030
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12 Problem Solving Strategies to Overcome 2030

To overcome any challenge of intermediate or advanced difficulty, you’ll want to have an adequate number of problem-solving strategies at your disposal. Some of the following problem-solving strategies are well known, while others were derived from the TRIZ methodology, the Six Sigma methodology, advanced brainstorming techniques, and situational analysis frameworks. Here are 12 problem-solving strategies that…